“Total lowest cost” solutions for production assembly and personal care
What do we mean by total lowest cost? It's simple really. The price you pay per kilo is the tip of the iceberg. The real cost of a poor adhesive is the underwater stuff. Problems like nozzle blockages, thermal instability and charring. Problems that translate to downtime and eat away at your profit. Because time is money on a production line.
A grade that costs a pittance but stops production is rarely good value. A high performance product — one that uses one-third less adhesive, eliminates blockages and slashes downtime — reduces overall spend.
We are passionate about providing Total Lowest Cost solutions across the production assembly and personal care sector. From feminine products to diaper construction and medical applications, we are committed to helping you achieve greater savings through noticeably reduced consumption. The range is comprehensive and formulated to provide complete bond strength in end use.
A snapshot of the benefits
- Transparent adhesives
- Low odour
- No sensitisation of the skin
- Excellent thermal stability
- High bond strength
- High cohesive strength
- Humidity resistance
- Low bleed through
- Multiple applications methods including spray, jet, wheel and nozzle