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Welcome to the May edition of The Bonding Bulletin! Giving you the best industry practices from decades of experience in adhesives, helping customers maximise their productivity and profits!

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Line break


Quotation mark

Beforehand we could only get the label to adhere to the glass at 25% reduced line speed. The new glue gave us full adherence and no defects detected. We also had a reduced consumption rate as we required less glue for adhesion.


Head of Packaging Operations


Glen Turner

Quotation mark

The service we receive is of a very high standard, not once in 3 years have we experienced any problems in our production process with adhesives supplied by Alphabond. I would have no hesitation in recommending Alphabond and their products to other companies.

Packaging Development Manager


Quotation mark



Quotation mark




This month’s top tip is all about your adhesive technology. Make sure you review the technology you use every 2-3 years to make sure you are using the best adhesive for your application. The chart here shows the development of adhesives over generations, with almost no degradation on generation 6 (furthest right).


If you're still using an earlier generation adhesive, see if it's worth upgrading by doing a comparison. If you'd like us to do this for you, click the link below to email us regarding an upgrade to your adhesives!

Example of Alphabond


Knauff logo LB


Knauf insulation welcomed us to run a trial with our FastLock 82+ hot melt this month (see adhesive showcase for more), where they were able to reduce the operating temperature from 165 degrees to 105 degrees. This enormous reduction means they enjoy a saving of around £4000 a year, as well as reducing energy by over 50% - greener and cleaner for the environment! 


Follow the link to visit our CO2 and energy caluculator to check the energy reductions that could be made in your factory!




FastLock 82+ is one of our labelling adhesives that offers a multitude of amazing benefits to help you maximise your 4-P. With it running from just 100 degrees in the tank, it can reduce both your energy consumption and CO2 emissions.


In recent factory trials, they successfully reduced their energy usage by over 11,400 kwh per year and CO2 emissions cut by over 50%, spewing out almost 6,000kg less CO2! As well as this, the glue applies cleanly and has no spitting or adhesive build up on your applicator. Click the link to enquire about FastLock 82+.

Adhesive showcase


Meet the team



At Alphabond's quarterly staff meeting, we took on the marshmallow and spaghetti challenge! Congratulations to the winning team of Teri, Dan and Jordan, who built the tallest tower using only marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti. 


We're still an expanding team and we can't thank them enough for all their hard work so far this year. If you'd like to contact the team about your adhesives, just click the link below!   




Our R&D is in full swing at the moment, with loads of exciting projects ongoing that we can’t wait to introduce to the market. One that we’re particularly excited about is our new closed loop recycling adhesive, branded BioMelt-R.


We’re using recycled plastics to create the backbone of the adhesive, so if increasing your factory’s planet-friendliness is important to you then keep your eyes peeled for future updates because our R&D team are doing some amazing work on this.



T: +44(0)845 212 057



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